in English
Many people don’t know, that "Rauma Rooma Pariisi" is an old saying in Rauma. The phrase may sound familiar to them who have heard the song with the same name written by Rauno Tuuna in the 1980s. The origin of the phrase dates back to the late 1800's and the local sailors have most likely invented it.
From the phrase to the logo
The idea to the Raum Rome Paris logo originates from the old saying. Rauma was intentionally shortened locally to"RAUM". Rome and Paris are English translations. In addition, one letter of each city was replaced with carefully designed graphical pattern, which serves as a symbol of each city.

Anchor - Rauma is an old port city. Seafaring and ship construction have long traditions in Rauma. In addition to sea, the anchor reflects security and hope: ”Better in anchor than castaway”.
Roman numerals - the Roman empire was the greatest empire of the past. The round clock face symbolizes Rome as the focal point of the world. Roman cultural heritage extends even to these days. It is no wonder that Rome is known as “the Eternal City".
Eiffel Tower - after it was completed in 1889 for the World's Fair the inhabitants of Paris thought it wouldn’t fit into the atmosphere. In wartime the tower was used as a radio mast. Over the years the tower has found a place in people's hearts. The tower which is named after the engineer Gustave Eiffel is the symbol of Paris.
In addition to the old saying,
UNESCO World Heritage Sites unite Rauma, Rome and Paris:
UNESCO World Heritage Sites unite Rauma, Rome and Paris:
● in Rauma Old Rauma, an old and densely-built wooden house area and in Rauma Lappi Bronze Age Burial Site of Sammallahdenmäki
● in Rome The historic center of Rome
● In Paris Banks of the Seine
Three Cities - Thousands Of Stories - Eternal Memories